Monday, January 24, 2011

THE UNTOLD STORY OF MCA vice-president Ng Yen Yen MCA Chinese bitches and MCA Chinese pussies.

PAS candidate Normala Sudirman has remained resolute about not shaking hands with men and said that it is her religious conviction which prevents her from touching the hands of members of the opposite sex.
All Malays, and non-Malays who interact with the Malays, are aware that touching or shaking hands between members of the opposite sexes is prohibited in Islam. The exceptions to the rule are when the person of the opposite sex happens to be a family-member.
Most decent and fair-minded people would respect the decision of another to uphold his or her religious convictions and leave it at that.
But MCA vice-president Ng Yen Yen seems unable to accept this and has continued to goad Normala. Do MCA ministers live in communities which hardly integrate with other members of the community?

Yen Yen should be thankful Normala is a woman of principle and tact.

Would Yen Yen have dared torment someone with Rottweiler instincts such as Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa, who at the best of times professes to be a defender of the faith but who has somehow remained remarkably silent in this battle for a ‘show of hands’?

Yen Yen’s despicable performance is just electioneering; however, she has illustrated that sometimes a woman’s worst enemy is another woman.

Perhaps credit is due to Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil who has described Normala’s candidacy as recognition of “women’s rights”.

She said, “I am happy and proud to know that they chose a woman to contest this seat.”

However, Shahrizat, just like her male colleagues in Umno and Perkasa, stopped short of supporting Normala for not wanting to shake mens’ hands.

Perhaps it was too much to ask for that little spark of a magnanimous spirit in hardened Umno/Perkasa hearts?

BN must be desperate. Instead of canvassing on policies and reform, they have resorted to empty talk about ‘the gloved hand’.

What is surprising, is how Gerakan’s Tan Lian Hoe has waded into this pointless exercise of ridiculing Normala.

Tan said, “This is the most basic thing... Not only men, but when she shakes hands with women, she also needs to wear glove. This is not friendly. It's as if she thinks our hands are dirty. I hope the Chinese voters are careful (with Islamic state). We are very worried about the Islamic state. They want to implement an extremist Islamic state,”

Perhaps the only things which can be described as dirty, are Tan’s tactics. Furthermore, the impression she is giving is that she is both desperate (to be noticed) and ignorant (PAS cannot implement an Islamic state because they would need a two-thirds majority in Parliament to amend the constitution.)

So where are the learned, mature and experienced voices in Gerakan to censure and punish a young upstart such as Tan?

Whilst Tan continued her racist rants, her boss Ismail Sabri, the Domestic Trade Cooperative and Consumer Affairs minister, watched impassively as she criticized the religion. Has he neither moral nor religious convictions? Is he MCA’s or Gerakan’s political stooge?

Normala was right to admonish BN for turning it into a political issue.

She said, “We (Muslim women) do not even shake hands with Muslim men. After all these years of independence, Umno should have explained to its component parties about the way Muslims greet each other.

“There is no problem (for us) when greeting women,” she said, in defence of a belief among many Muslims that skin contact with those considered non-muhrim (spouse or immediate family members) is forbidden.

At a time when Normala’s Muslim brethren could have offered her support, it seems that the voices of Umno and Perkasa have gone silent. Perhaps they only wear their religion on their sleeves when it suits them?

More important, if Yen Yen and Tan had been in Europe or the United Kingdom, they would have both been charged with discrimination on the grounds of religious belief and been fined, suspended as MPs and asked to make a public apology.

One would have thought that the RM5 million amount of travel she chalked up in three months criss-crossing the globe, would have enlightened Yen Yen’s mind and not just ‘lightened’ the public purse.

Perhaps all that intense travelling has tired her out and she is still suffering from jetlag?

Does Yen Yen dislike a woman of principle?

I love  MCA Chinese bitches and MCA Chinese pussies. Always tight and firm unlike the Caucasian ones where I have to stretch the arse just to decide which hole to fuck! And the stinky ones you fuck are the $10 ones you pay for. I bet the free Caucasian ones you don't have to pay for smell no different. Its international they say.

 Looks like a MCA chinese bitch, i'm sure her pussy smells like a pile of garbage. Typical  MCA chinese pussy.
any way,1. she forgot wash her underwear, 2. she want sell something you like. 3.I don't like at all. because too much fat cell on her body.

The post Sexy PRC Model Posing Naked In Hotel Room Part 1 wasn't the best part for sure, part two is way better. In this part Ke Er or Kore ? get a little more intimate for the photographer who is clearly an amateur himself. Nothing hardcore but rather a little more revealing... not a single article of clothes in this post. These young models from the People's Republic of China doing freelance modeling in Taiwan don't seem one bit shy. Lets hope Kore's nude pictures don't get back home to her village in Guangdong, China. Anyway, here is the final part with consisting of the first 145 pics below. Click on pictures to enlarge.

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