Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MCA president Chua Soi Lek is Malaysian king of Affairs of extra-marital relationships own ancestors Beggars and Prostitutes

Soi Lek: What's so great' about knowing Muslim values?

UMNO HATES their original lineage !! They deny that they are the end-Product of Dravidoid and Mongoloid marriage. UMNO openly calls their own ancestors Beggars and Prostitutes !! The Hang Li Poh Story announces their Mongoloid ancestry. The Queens of the Malaccan Sultanate were Tamil Muslims. The Austronesoid DNA comprises of Mongoloid DNA and Dravidoid DNA. Hundreds of conclusive tests have been done. And for those who contest this, let's not forget that UMNO wants to prosecute Anwar with DNA, and indeed they have done so before. So, why is it unacceptable to study and understand how the Austronesoid DNA is the end product of the Dravidoid and the Mongoloid?
Please read here for a vast selection of University tests to better understand these DNA tests. Observe that no two tests contradict each other, despite being carried out by various Universities from the world over. In fact, Cambridge University has done extensive tests and have mapped out the Genome paths. So has National Geographic.

Going back to the inferiority complex. Chua Soi Lek aka "Pornstar" does not seem to have problems with "Prostitutes". Neither does MCA, nor does UMNO. Because they would have shut down the entire Racist Group already, if they had been so opposed to the idea. Why not also shut down "Club De'Vegas" or "D'Boss" in Kuala Lumpy-Dumpy as well?

For UMNO to call her own ancestry Prostitutes and Beggars is indeed strange. Is UMNO so Pariah that they have to create this "illusion" to lie to themselves that they are indeed what they are? Instead creating Mental-Masturbation Slogans like "Ketuanan Melayu" to pretend that their ancestry is one not of Beggars and Prostitutes? Maybe they found out something about Hang Li Poh? Maybe they found out that she was indeed a "Cheap Prostitute" whom Emperor Yong Le sent to screw Parameswara. And from the loins of this Cheap Prostitute comes forth the "Prostitutional Monarchy of Malaysia". Are you happy now? How terribly have you insulted the Sultans of this country !! The same applies for the Beggar Tamil Muslim Queens of the Malaccan Sultanate. The Sultans of Malacca decides to screw some cheap Beggar Tamil Whore to bear the "Great Malaccan Royal Line". The same ones whom you now prostrate yourselves to and bleat "Ampun Tuanku". Royal Ancestry comprises of Beggars and Prostitutes, because of what unashamedly you said in public !! Bravo !!! Subarashi Desho?!?!

What are you going to call Mahathir now? Budak Keling? Sure !! Why now, and not when he was Prime Minister? Oh, but you did !! And yet, you kissed his hand, and still continue to lick his shoes whenever you wanted a contract or two.

UMNO !! What is WRONG with you? Are you so inbred that you cannot speak logically anymore? Mahathir openly called you inbred in his book "The Malay Delima". In fact, he did it right on page ONE !! So not only are you inbred, but you are "Pariah Inbred Children of Prostitutes and Beggars" PICPB should then be your new Acronym to replace UMNO. Or, if you still wish to continue to stay united, then you could call your organization, UPICPBNO; to mean "United Pariah Inbred Children of Prostitutes and Beggars National Organization". You might even get a Tax rebate if you registered as an NGO, or Charity Organization instead.

With all the chaos that you have created, with all the crimes against the people's of Malaysia that you have committed, one seriously wonders why they have not taken to the streets to riot, and take over the government like how the Thais did to Thaksin !! Maybe Malaysians are too weak-minded... Maybe they are too Timid... or Maybe they just don't care... 

In that case, long live "United Pariah Inbred Children of Prostitutes and Beggars National Organization". That is because you will rule Malaysia for the next Millennia !!

If you had an extra-martial affair and are planning to confess the blunder, then here are few things you should know. 
The Prostitutes' Ball (Shane Scully Novels)The Prostitutes' Ball (Shane Scully Novels)
TimesOnline has provided the list of 10 things to know before confessing to an affair. 

1. Infidelity is not as common as one might think, for a 2006 online survey of 46,000 people revealed that one in five married men and one in ten married women had committed infidelity during their marriage (BBC's UK Lovemap). 

2. In case there is no chance that your partner will find out about a one-off misdemeanour on a business trip, and you want your relationship to survive, honesty is not necessarily the best policy. 

3. If you are crippled with guilt or you some need advice, talk to a neutral third party. 

4. If there is chance that someone else will tell your partner, come clean. 

5. If you have had unprotected sex, get tested for STIs and you may need to tell your partner the truth so that he or she can get tested too. 

Story of a Prostitute (Criterion Collection)Story of a Prostitute (Criterion Collection)
6. The motive of the confession should be a genuine desire to improve or, if necessary, gently terminate your relationship. Don't confess to ease your own guilt, vent anger or get even. 

7. Infidelity is often a symptom, not a cause, of trouble in a relationship, and admitting to it may force you to address the underlying issues. 
Extra Marital Affair8. Frank Pittman, a psychiatrist and relationship expert, says there are four types of infidelity - accidental infidelity (an unintended act of, usually drunken, carelessness); the romantic affair (you meet somebody wonderful while you are going through a big crisis in your life); the marital arrangement (comfort while you avoid dealing with a marriage that won't die and won't recover); and the philanderer (men who continually need their masculinity affirmed, women who are the daughters or ex-wives of philanderers). 

9. According to the UK management consultants Grant Thornton, extra-marital affairs remain the biggest cause for divorce. 

Marital Triangles a Psychological Presentation of Extra-marital Affairs (Big Blue Book, 627)Marital Triangles a Psychological Presentation of Extra-marital Affairs (Big Blue Book, 627)
10. Only 3 per cent of 4,100 high-powered, but unfaithful, men divorced their wives and married their lovers (Dr Jan Halper, the author of Quiet Desperation: The Truth About Successful Men ). And the divorce rate among those who marry their lovers is 75 per cent (Frank Pittman). 

Like 'em or lump 'em – extra-marital affairs are here to stay. Irrespective of your view, don't make morality an issue. 

Heard the latest on marriage and its mistress? Yup. So while we may continue to debate whether extra-marital relationships are on or not, the fact is they're happening! 

Marital Triangles: A Psychological Presentation of Extra-Marital Affairs
For going by the number of extra-marital affairs that people around us are indulging in, one of the two things is happening: Either the marriage today has lost its meaning or such affairs are the 'done thing'. To make matters more interesting (or complex, if you must) films (the opium of the masses) Life in a... Metro; Dil Kabaddi; Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna and Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi to pick just a few, are espousing the cause of love outside marriage, and without compunction too. THORN IN MY ROSE BUSHTHORN IN MY ROSE BUSH

So along the route you're forced to agree with Alyque Padamsee who came up with a jewel of an idea. The ad guru, who has been in three happy marriages himself was caught on a talk show suggesting that there should be a system of contractual marriage in place, renewable every seven years! This would allow one the opportunity of realising how good or bad their marriage is and whether they'd want to stick to it. 

The other option could be what Prof Nishi Pandey, Dean, Students' Welfare, LU, suggests. "One should have the courage to take responsibility for that relationship. Walk out of your marriage and legalise the affair instead. Otherwise you are not being true to either." 
The Affair; a Portrait of Extra-Marital Love in Contemporary America
Dittos sociologist Dr Farah Rizvi, for whom the mere mention of extra-marital affairs evokes a "Big NO. An extra-marital affair is nothing but lust with no emotions." Mind you, she makes a fine distinction when it comes to the moral stand. "Attraction and falling prey to the attention one gets from the opposite sex outside marriage is natural," she says. "After all it's a great high that you are still appreciated but then its upto you to not to be swayed." 

Affairs, the anatomy of extra-marital relationships
Minakshi Sachdev (name changed), a senior bank executive, takes a diametrically opposite view: "What's wrong with it? It's not like if you're married once you can't fall in love again. It can happen n number of times. There's something unique in every individual which can attract anyone irrespective of marital status. Such relationships are not planned and you can't really blame the person for it." 

Meanwhile, actor Sanjeet Bedi, who has done one such TV soap based on the extra-marital theme, where he played a promiscuous character, completely disapproves of it in real life: "I don't understand how one can justify an extramarital affair when you have a good, loving partner at home. It's not ethical." 
Affairs: How to Deal with Extra-Marital RelationshipsAffairs: How to Deal with Extra-Marital Relationships
But then what explains the rising numbers of these relationships? "Independence, especially that of women," states sociologist Reeta Brara, adding, "Also, films, serials, novels and literature are contributing to the rising trend. The reality is that the institution of marriage is under stress. People want a choice in everything even if it's talking partners. But sometimes they are looking for flings and sometimes it gets serious. This is what is risky, for extra-marital affairs can lead to serial marriages, which negates the permanence that marriage offers." 

But like it or not, getting into a new relationship while still being in the old one – whatever the compulsions, means that morality will find a way in, where the common man/woman are concerned. Brara clarifies, "See, morality is a very societal issue. The moment you link the whole issue with morality, the immediate outcome is to seek divorce, which may not always be the correct thing in case one has gotten swayed only for a short while. And though falling in love maybe natural, cheating is not on." 
Royal Affairs: A Lusty Romp Through the Extramarital Adventures That Rocked the British MonarchyRoyal Affairs: A Lusty Romp Through the Extramarital Adventures That Rocked the British Monarchy

Why do women cheat? Indeed that's a million dollar question! 

While most of us spend hours gossiping about how awful men get when they turn infidel, nobody pays heed to why the fairer sex (females) resorts to cheating on their male partners? 

It may sound surprising, when women cheat, as they are usually considered poised creatures socially blessed with a unique power to balance their professional and personal life. 

Be it a chance encounter with a past lover, getting tempted to go around with the boss, seeking financial and emotional security in a trusted male friend or finding a fulfilling physical relationship - we bring you some 'committed' (read married) women who share what actually drove them to step out of their present relationship and turn infidel. 

The Green Eyed Evil 
Most women would deny, but jealousy is a major turn on! The mere thought of hanging around with someone else making your guy feel envious is a commonly deployed tactic. A lot of women indulge in this ploy, seeking more attention, care and of course getting the ultimate feeling of, 'Yes, I made my man jealous!' 

Housewife Shalini Gupta, 28, shares, "It used to happen in college when my then boy friend, (now my husband) stopped me from making male friends. Being in a co-ed institution, I loved wandering around with guys as I knew he'd get jealous, so in a way that worked for me, as it brought all the attention to me." 

Career Caresses 
When the boardroom becomes the bedroom, it's natural to get into a relationship (secret) with an office colleague. Some say that 'flirting makes the workplace more interesting', others would agree that a fling with bosses is an easy short cut towards professional growth. Not just this, few women won't even mind dumping their hubby for a successful head honcho because power is a huge turn on for women. 

"I didn't know initially that I'll end up cheating on my husband. It was an impulsive decision that I slept with my reporting manager. I tried not to go far in this relation, but after I got everything I desired in my job (the much needed salary hikes and a bumper promotion), I felt satisfied with this relation and let it continue further," quips Kriti Chauhan (name changed), a 32-year-old software professional.

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