Friday, January 14, 2011

Sex drive, hot ideal girlfriend?Alini Brito And Cindy Mauro, Teachers Fired Over Lesbian Scandal, File Lawsuits

JANUARY 14, 2011


A lot has been said about what men think women want and vice versa. A recent survey done in the United Kingdom asked men what fits their benchmark of an ideal girlfriend and found out that a high sex drive, thin figure, pert bottom, and high earner tops the priority list. So, We spoke to a few guys and gals to find if it holds true or not and found that in most cases their ideal one was – Kate Winslet!

It's the perfect survey
Ankit Tayal, 23, professional, says, "Well, I think the survey summed it up pretty well. I would love a girl who earns more than me, and has a higher sex drive than I do, and well, looks better than me — ideal package!" His ideal girl? Megan Fox. Anupam Roy, 25, professional, agrees, "Oh, I would love it if my girl earns more than I do, then I can gradually leave my job, as I feel that I'm too lazy and generally guys are lazy people. My ideal girl should be unbearably beautiful, bearably stupid, and should be good in bed." His ideal girl? Kate Winslet.

It's more about the funny bone than the sexy butt
While the survey says that men desire looks more than humour, someDelhiguys would like to differ. Says Viraj Gupta (23), "Who wouldn't want the whole package of looks, money and sex? My ideal girl should be decently educated, have a simple lifestyle, a sense of humour would be good, and should look okay, looks are not that important." His ideal girl? Kate Winslet, for her grace.

Says Prateek Kapil, student, "My ideal girl should have a funny bone, she should be fiercely independent and should look good." His ideal girl: Cristina Scabbia, lead vocalist of the metal band Lacuna Coil. Agrees student Arun Khanna (24), "My ideal girl should be pretty, should have a sense of humour, not ruthlessly career driven or excessively competitive.The survey speaks for most guys, however the earning a higher salary part could be a point of contention between the couple." And his ideal girl? Kate Winslet or Kat Dennings.

Men can handle a more successful counterpart
Disagrees Sonali Sapra (23), MBA student, "I disagree with the survey that men want high salary earning women. I haven't met any man who thinks like that and I completely agree that women should earn more and if the man has a problem he should strive to earn better and live up to a woman's expectations. I would associate Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglaswith this survey because while she is so successful, he doesn't even get offered with 'papa' roles."

Shallu Sharma believes that, "A man will have ego hassles if a woman earns more than them. I have met men who want you to eat and stay slim at the same time, and they have problems if you earn more, but if you are not career-minded they have a major problem. A very good case in point would be Arbaaz Khan and Malaika Arora Khan, probably Arbaaz has no ego hassles."

The desire for a thin girl
While the survey states that men would like their perfect mate to dig into a meal without any qualms and contradictorily be slim at the same time, Shraddha Bhateja (23), commercial pilot, disagrees, "I don't think guys like skinny girls, that is totally untrue and most of my male friends would agree with me. Both partners should take care of the family (including kids) and both should be career-minded for a successful relationship."

In stark contrast Lisa Boye (22), airlines security agent, says, "I completely agree with the survey. Eat and stay fit, how hard is that? Who would like a person who makes a fuss at a restaurant and is on diets all the time? Half the fun is gone right there."

Men want girls who are family oriented and will have babies
The salary package of the perfect woman is a debate amongst men and women alike. Some feel men have ego hassles while others disagree. The survey states that women should be career-minded, earn more than her man as well as stay at home and take care of the kids.

Prateek Kapil, 23, student, says, "I think that guys will agree with the very high salary part. If she earns more than the guys, then the guy is not going to like it, though I personally don't agree with that."

Agrees Mehak Saluja, a quality analyst, "Men want women to stay at home but I don't think they want one who earns more than them, it brings in ego hassles. Not everyone is like an Abhishek Bachchan who can walk along with his very successful wife, while he still has to make a mark." Arun seems to sum it up, "The survey is all correct, except the part which says guys want their partner to earn more than them. This is not true for most guys as they have huge egos. The part where the survey goes contradictory and says that though high earning, the girl should be family oriented is true for guys; they want someone to be family oriented and have babies."

Let's talk sex, baby
Talk about sex drive and we surprisingly had two views! While some felt that sex drive is important, but intimacy was rated higher, all men agreed that sex drives relationships. Says Anupam, "She should be good in bed and that should be more important than her having a brilliant sex drive. I mean what's the point of her wanting to do it, if she is not good in bed, right?"

Some like Prateek feel that having a huge appetite for sex could be cumbersome in a closed society like India. "Having a sex drive is good, but wanting to do it everywhere and all the time would be too much, especially inIndia, where you don't find much space, so it could get embarrassing," says Prateek. Adds Viraj, "As for sex drive, even the guys should have a good sex drive, if the guy doesn't do anything, what will the poor girl do?"

Will men ever come to a consensus on the ideal GF?
While the never-ending debate between men and women continues, what we conclude is that not only women, but men too have high demands. Most of the demands are well, contradictory, but that does not stop men from fantasising about the perfect woman who cooks, cleans, earns, eats, is slim and beautiful all at the same time. We'd say it's time you took a reality check, guys

As James Madison High School students sat watching a school assembly in November, 2009, teachers Alini Brito and Cindy Maurowere allegedly engaging in a lesbian romp in a classroom. The interlude was broken up when janitors opened the door and discovered the pair.
The teachers, who were fired over the affair, have a very different account of the encounter. According to Brito, a diabetic, she was suffering from a bout of low blood sugar when her co-worker administered aid, theNew York Post reports.
According to the Post,
"Upon immediately entering the classroom, Brito's knees buckled, at which point Brito laid down off to the right but at the foot of the classroom door. Mauro assisted Brito by placing Brito's sweater under her head and elevated her legs in a chair. Mauro also obtained a couple of suger packets from her desk and gave them to Brito," the petition says.
Brito has filed a lawsuit in Manhattan Supreme Court and is hoping to get her job back.
Cindy Mauro, the second teacher involved in the scandal, also plans to sue.
Brito says that a crucial piece of evidence in the case -- the video surveillance tape, which was destroyed by the school -- would help her prove her innocence. According to NY Daily News, Brito claims the video shows that the two custodians who claim to have witnessed the sex acts never even opened the door.

Now we all know that men do have a feminine side to them, but does that make them pansy? It's interesting to note that women take men more seriously when they do not go out of their way to draw attention. So themetrosexual guys with a cool attitude are leading the male brigade in all domains – friend, boyfriend, husband, brother, father or boss, who do not believe in being forceful unnecessarily. Even movies have taken the hint and flicks like "Wake Up Sid", "Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na", "Twilight" or even the "Harry Potter" series, do not portray the hero as over-the-top smart.

Keeping things gentle
To stretch the imagination further, even superheroes like Spiderman and Superman were down-to-earth in their reel real lives! So, being well behaved, soft spoken, flashing a smile, showing emotions whenever required and being subtle are attributes that the modern man is no longer shying away from. Singer Shaan, who has always been branded as the 'nice guy', says, "Women do not want to get into a fling with a nice guy as they feel they are boring and sentimental. So, I ended up marrying Radhika at the age of 28. But I don't think I have missed out on anything as I prefer to be a nice guy rather than a heartbreaker."

Recently, a high-drama reality show on the television "Emotional Atyachaar" created quite a stir. Young people in relationships were putting their partners on loyalty tests. Most of the guys who were found out to be cheaters, had personalities that came across as rowdy and brash. Model Angad Bedi, who had hosted the first season of the show, shares, "Gone are the days of being the male-chauvinist pig, today it is about equality among the sexes. Since women are now more independent, and not the archetypal 'provider', guys are trying to be a good listener instead, and this is a happy change."

Looking effortless
The new breed of well-groomed men are stepping away from the number game of six-pack abs and are in fact sporting an effortless, cool and casual look. It is this attitude that is getting women hooked as they can relate to their partners better. So, dressing casually in denims and tees, and going for a razor-cut hair or even a bald pate, sporting an unshaved beard and putting on a pair of specks are no longer being considered 'uncool'. In fact, it is this carefree attitude that is coming across as more de-stressing since the guys do not have to try too hard to look 'Mr Perfect'. So the low maintenance, boy-next-door actually clicks with women quite effortlessly.

MTV VJ and actor Rannvijay believes, "Men these days are more relaxed and comfortable in their out-of-bed look but they need the right attitude to carry it off – to keep things stylish instead of clumsy. And as far as impressing women is concerned, it is the behaviour that needs to be more prim and proper rather than the clothes."

Melting the heart
Women may drool over the hunk, but it is the nice guy who eventually wins more hearts. Shah Rukh Khan got more applause for his character of Surinder in "Rab Ne Banadi Jodi" than his alter ego – Raj. Angelina Jolie had shared with a popular magazine recently that what makes Brad Pitt sexy is the way he fathers her children. So even if a casanova may hit it off very well initially, the new age women are smart enough to settle for a more composed guy eventually. '

Model Candice Pinto concludes, "It's true that women get drawn to the cool and chilled- out guys as they are easy to handle. Though the level of expectations of modern women from their guys may shoot sky-high, once in love they do give in to the fact that 'Mr Right' may not be 'Mr Perfect'.

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