Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dr Chua Soi Lek getting ready for annal sex in Tenang please save your mothers sisters from this sex animal

Dr Chua Soi Lek and woman getting ready for annal sex

Malaysian Minister of Health Dr Chua Soi Lek Sex Tape Download

Two DVDs showing Dr. Chua Soi Lek at the time a prominent senior politician, and a woman engaging in various sexual antics are being widely circulated in Tangkak, Batu Pahat and on the internet. Chua Soi Lek has admitted he's the man in the video and resigned from his position as health minister. He identified the woman simply as "a personal friend."Dr Chua Soi Lek and woman getting ready for annal sex why was he not arrested for anal sex bloody barisan musa hassan

MCA president Chua Soi Lek again resorted to religious bigotry calling on the Chinese community not to vote for PAS candidate Normala Sudirman in the Tenang by-election because the former teacher would not visit places like Chinese temples, and like PKR president Wan Azizah, she would only shake hands if she wore gloves.
“Normala will not come here to a Chinese temple, she doesn't even shake hands with the people. I have received complaints about this. She is like Anwar Ibrahim's wife. She wears gloves when she shakes hands. If you can accept this kind of Islamic value, go ahead and vote for PAS,"Malaysiakini reported him as telling the committee members of the San Ti Shu Thai Buddhist temple in Labis.
He did not mention if Umno candidate Azahar Ibrahim was willing to visit the Chinese temples in the constituency, but pledged to campaign on Azahar's behalf.
Will Tenang open the floodgates
Chua is fighting tooth and nail for the BN after Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin set a high winning-majority target of at least 5,000 votes. He is feeling the heat because Labis is his stronghold and parliamentary seat before he was forced to resign due to his sex scandal.
Tenang is a mixed seat, where Chinese form 39 percent of a 14,753-strong voter base. In the 2008 general election, BN won the seat with a 2,500-vote margin, after having taken it with a 5,500-odd margin in 2004.
All eyes are on whether this margin of victory will be further trimmed on January 30, when the constituents go to the ballot boxes. Even Prime Minister Najib Razak is concerned and dropped in for a full-day visit on Tuesday. The PM brought along election goodies and pledges of at RM1.6 billion to woo the Tenang voters.
"Tenang is especially significant to BN because if this state goes to Pakatan Rakyat, it means Johor is no longer safe. The Pakatan has made inroads and these will continue into the next GE," PKR vice president Tian Chua toldMalaysia Chronicle.
Nonetheless, despite the hard work he and his colleagues have put in, Tian has given his own coalition only 40 percent chance of pulling off an upset. Like DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang, he has cautioned Pakatan supporters not to underestimate the BN's abuse of the federal government machinery and its ability to tap into the national coffers.
Brushes aside Umno's religious fanaticism
Meanwhile, Soi Lek has set himself the target of visiting all of Tenang's 27 temples within three days. He will visit eight Chinese temples and religious associations on Thursday.

He also urged the Chinese in Tenang to accept Azahar, a former assistant district officer, saying that Azahar would be able to help the constituents because of his past administrative experience.
"In the spirit of BN, we always accept whoever is decided. This is to ensure all component parties will work as a team. We respect the Umno choice in the same way when we decide on an MCA candidate, Umno and the rest of the component parties will also accept. That's how we keep BN alive and working as a team and we don't quarrel openly over candidate over the last 53 years. We are not like Pakatan which continously fights among themsleves in the state they rule." said Soi Lek.

While it was to be expected Soi Lek would take a dig at his political rivals, he conveniently omitted to mention the frequent occasions that he himself had been publicly blasted by Umno leaders for allegedly questioning Malay rights.
Just days ago, he had to rush to distance himself from a row that erupted in Selangor over the loudness of the azan or call to prayer. The incident ended with the MCA embarrassed and the MCA member who complained of theazan's loudness forced to apologize to all Muslims at a press conference organized by Umno.
Indeed, while Soi Lek attacked PAS for its religious fundamentalism, he did not once mention that the azan protest had been stirred up by Umno-linked groups Pekida and Perkasa. 

Soi Lek did however admit Umno was "not perfect" and PAS was only less corrupt than Umno because it was not yet the federal government.
“Umno is not perfect. It has corruption. But PAS is also not perfect. You need to look at (PAS-ruled) Kelantan. If you have friends in Kelantan, ask them about it. It's just that PAS is not the federal government thus they don't have large-scale corruption," said Soi Lek.

Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek (Simplified Chinese: 蔡细历; born 2 January

Dr Chua Soi Lek and woman getting ready for annal sex why was he not arrested for anal sex bloody barisan musa hassa why anwar was arested

Malaysian Minister of Health Dr Chua Soi Lek Sex Tape Download

Two DVDs showing Dr. Chua Soi Lek at the time a prominent senior politician, and a woman engaging in various sexual antics are being widely circulated in Tangkak, Batu Pahat and on the internet. Chua Soi Lek has admitted he's the man in the video and resigned from his position as health minister. He identified the woman simply as "a personal friend."Dr Chua Soi Lek and woman getting ready for annal sex why was he not arrested for anal sex bloody barisan musa hassan

The DVDs are believed to be closed-circuit television (CCTV) recordings in a hotel suite. However, the hotel’s location and the date of the recording are not known.
The first DVD lasting 56 minutes has footage of four different camera angles of the hotel suite – the bed, living area, entrance to the bathroom and the main door. It purportedly shows Dr Chua Soi Lek and woman entering the room separately.
The second DVD lasting 44 minutes is said to show the couple engaged in sex acts on the bed.
Those who claim to have seen the two DVDs said they were convinced the man in the DVDs was the prominent politician based on his gait and mannerisms. The existence of the DVD was first reported in the Chinese dailies on Sunday while a Bahasa Malaysia daily reported about it.
News of the two DVDs are also being circulated widely on the Internet, adding to the controversy. Sources said the lurid DVDs were now difficult to obtain, as those holding them fear that the police would act against those distributing and being in possession of the DVDs.
The DVDs, with the name of the politician on them, were first reportedly left at various locations in Muar on Saturday for people to pick up. Some copies were also said to be distributed to shops in the town.
To deter those who wanna bag in some bucks from Chua Soi Lek video, the Malaysian policehas warned:
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said no police report had been lodged yet over the DVDs.
However, I urge the reporter with the newspaper that initially broke the story to come forward. We need to know how he came across the DVD,” he told TV3.
Bernama quoted Batu Pahat district chief Asst Comm Ibrahim Mohd Aris as advising those in possession of the DVDs to surrender them to the authorities.
He warned that anyone found in possession of the DVDs or caught distributing copies of them could be charged under Section 292 of the Penal Code and sentenced to three years' jail or fined, or both.

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14 MB and 28.55 minutes

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Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek (Simplified Chinese: 蔡细历; born 2 January 1947) also known as Chua Kin Seng, is a former Malaysian politician from the state of Johor. He is married to Datin Seri Wong Sek Hin. They have three children.
He was trained in psychology and practiced psychiatry before entering politics through his involvement with the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA). He held the post of Minister of Health from 2004 until 2008.
On January 1, 2008, Chua admitted that he was the person featured in a sex DVD that was circulated in Johor. The girl was allegedly one of his personal friends. The two DVDs were distributed anonymously in Muar and other towns in Johor show Dr Chua having sex with a young woman. The DVDs are believed to be wireless hidden camera recordings in a hotel suite.
He claimed no involvement in the filming or production of the DVD in question, further stating that he would not resign over the scandal, instead leaving it up to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to decide whether to allow him to continue holding his position. On January 2, 2008, he formally announced his resignation from all posts including Member of Parliament for Labis, Vice Presidency of the MCA, and as Health Minister at a press conference.
Chua refused to comment on who might be the person behind the making of the DVD, but stated that his biggest mistake was to use the same hotel and the same room.
Over 1,000 Tenang constituents were treated to a sumptuous dinner last night with free beer, sexy dance performance and a lucky draw, featuring a 100cc motorcycle as the grand prize.

The pro-BN 1Malaysia dinner also featured a fiery speech by former Umno vice-president Mohd Isa Abdul Samad, who had made his political comeback by winning the Bagan Pinang by-election in 2009.

He made PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and PAS his main targets.

Describing Anwar as a liar, Isa cited the failed 'Sept 16 takeover plan' to take over the federal government and a promise to establish a shadow cabinet.

"Where are the shadow ministers? Are they talking about economy and development? No. The shadow cabinet has not been realised.

"These are all lies. We in BN have ruled the nation over 50 years. We don't need to give promises like the 100-day (reform) pledge. We are working on it every day," said Isa, who wore a orange t-shirt printed with 1Malaysia symbol.

"I know Anwar. We studied in the same university and we were both in Umno. If he really wants to help the Malays, Chinese and Indians, he would have done it when he was deputy prime minister and finance minister.

"The opposition parties are good at twisting (issues). They can twist from 180 degrees to 360 degrees. Anwar can be in front and at the back (depan boleh, belakang pun boleh). Gentlemen, please don't believe him," said Isa, drawing laughter.

Isa (left) also took a swipe at PAS, stating that the party had tried to portray DAP as an Islamic-friendly party by claiming that the latter had accepted the status of Islam as the religion of the federation and Bahasa Melayu as the national language.

"Who cannot accept this (status of Islam and Bahasa Melayu)? Nobody is complaining about it. Gentlemen, you can accept these even before you join DAP.

"(PAS spiritual leader) Nik (Abdul) Aziz (Nik Mat) is even insane. He said the DAP understands Islam (even when) we as Muslims sometimes don't quite understand (the religion). How can (DAP chairperson) Karpal Singh and (leader) Lim Kit Siang understand Islam just by being friends with PAS for two or three years? These are all lies!”

He pointed out that PAS has attempted to portray the selection of a woman candidate in the by-election as a recognition for women, but noted that BN had done so soon after independence by appointing a female minister.

"In the past, PAS had said women cannot become leaders. They have only changed (their mind) now because there are more female voters. If you follow PAS, you will go crazy," quipped Isa.

'Two faces of PAS'

MCA Labis MP Chua Tee Yong attended the event with Johor BN assemblypersons Tan Kok Hong (Bekok), Lau Chin Hoon (Pemanis), Lee Hong Tee (Jementah) and Ayub Rahmat (Kemerlah).

Chua revived the Islamic theocratic state controversy in his speech, saying that PAS has been showing a different face to each ethnic group on the issue.

"Whenever they talk to the Chinese, they say they will not implement (the Islamic state), but whenever they talk to the Malays, they say they will definitely pursue the agenda.

"Voting for PAS is equivalent to turning Malaysia into an Islamic state. Voting BN means that you are supporting 1Malaysia," he said, repeated the argument in both Malay and Mandarin.

Chua also listed the BN contributions to the Chinese community under the leadership of its head and premier Najib Abdul Razak.

These include scholarships to all SPM top scorers regardless of race, as well as government scholarships and study loans to graduates of Chinese independent high schools.

"The Selangor government gave out 1,572 scholarships but only 15 were to non-Malays. Even their own leader Lim Kit Siang has questioned why - out of some 4,000 study loans disbursed by the state - only 12 were given to non-Malays," Chua added.

The dinner themed 'Majlis Mesra 1Malaysia', was hosted by local businessman Lee Cheng Chuan, who is also president of the Johor Basketball Association.

More than 1,000 invited guests from Labis and the nearby town of Segamat, attended the dinner held at a Chinese restaurant in Tenang.

Young women in sexy outfits entertained the crowd, while the lucky draw enabled several to win prizes like a Kriss motorcycle, laptop, LCD television set and refrigerator.

According to Lee, the dinner was to enhance rapport among different ethnic communities, in line with the spirit of 1Malaysia. It was noted, though, the most of the crowd comprised Chinese Malaysians.
- Malaysiakini


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