Why do girls hate being called cute and men insist they are not nice? Is it a case of misunderstood signals between Mars and Venus?

Some days ago, a Facebook friend commented on my picture, “Looking very cute!” Affronted, I quietly deleted the comment. Not taking the hint, he put it back up, after which I felt obliged to send him a message, explaining that I found the word ‘cute’ insulting. He was baffled though he graciously apologised, expressing his amazement that any woman should find an intended compliment objectionable. A veritable Mars and Venus situation…
Singaporean model turn DJ Tenashar has found herself in the middle of a leaked nude photos scandal. And she has been fighting hard in recent months to suppress the spread of these naked photos. These nude pictures of Tenashar have been floating around the web a lot in recent months but they have been online since 2011 at the very least and were probably taken in 2010 when she was about 22 year-old. Tenashar is seen in these photos fully nude in nature and with her fully natural body. These photographs of Tenashar topless in some, bottomless in others and fully naked in some were taken before her boobs were enhance with implants. She claim the photos were sold to a "porn" website by the photographer without her permission. We don't know the photographer's side of the story however according to her she paid him to do the photo shoot with the agreement the nude photographs were only for her portfolio but apparently he could use the non-nude pics for his portfolio too. According to the information the photographer submitted to the "porn" (nude art) website, he either met Tenashar in Koh Rong, a large mostly uninhabited island off the coast of Cambodia, or that is where the photos were taken.
Tenashar is a beautiful Chinese girl with a beautiful body, nice small boobs (before the implants) and a tight little Asian ass. Everyone that sent us the leaked nude photos pointed out they were taken before Tenashar got fake boobs and she only got famous after. Her breasts are obviously smaller in these nude images then how they currently appear. In the leaked nude photos Tenashar is seen on the beach with no panties or bikini bottoms on, only a white sheer top. There are some really nice shots of her jumping into the air, so cute and yet sexy too. There are some beautiful pictures of Tenashar in the ocean as the sun is setting too. But the fully nude pictures in nature with a forest background is the most revealing. And if you don't believe these nude photos are of Tenashar then look at her official website (here and here) and official Facebook pages (here and here) and you will see some images from the photo shoot with the same background as her nature shoot minus the full nudity. You can also see the name of the photographer she accused of wrongdoing watermarked in the images.
Anyway, Tenashar has been on the cover of FHM Singapore and FHM Taiwan, she was featured in FHM Malaysia in 2011 and she was crowned #87 in 2013's DJ Mag Top 100 DJs. And recently Tenashar become the first Singaporean to appear on Playboy cover (Thailand version). The model turn DJ also made the headlines in Hong Kong for going out on a photography shoot during the Usagi Typhoon prompting some to call her Typhoon Girl. Tenashar has become really famous as a DJ/model in the last year or so and the rumors of nude photos have been gaining popularity along with her fame. We receive an email on February 17, 2013 with the subject line "Singapore DJ Tenasha before surgery (boobs job) and before make up" and the 27 nude photos of DJ Tenashar were attached. And again another person sent the following email a few month later with a link to the same nude photos:

Coincidentally, two days later, author Ravi Subramanian of The Bankster fame decided to turn prankster when he tweeted, “To all romance writers on my timeline – Women don’t like being called ‘cute’... the same way guys don’t like being called ‘nice’.” No dipped-inemotion romance writer could have resisted such a call.
And soon enough, Twitter was trending with vehement protests and agreements as — to the delight of other twitteratis — male and female writers debated on whether women like being labelled cute or not. And, why do men dislike being called ‘nice’?
Author Ravinder Singh (I Too Had A Love Story) suggested that it depends on a woman’s mood, while Preeti Shenoy (Life Is What You Make It) shot back, “Not at all. It depends on which guy it is.” Nikita Singh (Love@Facebook) interjected, “If the girl is self-confident, she can take it as a compliment.”

I agreed that ‘cute’ is a much-abused and misunderstood word for women, as is ‘nice’ for men. Women don’t like to be called ‘cute’ because it puts them in a certain category, like a helpless baby doll with no intellect. Preeti tweeted, “Between ‘cute’ and ‘intelligent’ I would pick the latter.” Agreeing, Nikita wrote, “A girl would definitely want to be liked for smartness more.” So what’s the verdict, wondered a by-now-weary-sounding Ravi – would a woman like to be called, ‘cute’, ‘hot’ or ‘intelligent’?” Ravinder answered, “They want all of the above!” But what does a man actually mean when he calls a woman cute? Does he mean she is sexy? Ravi’s comeback on this is, “Cute is only cute. Cute is not sexy. Sexy may be cute too. Cute de-sexes a woman, and that is the problem.” Explains a single, much-chased business magnate, “Cute is beautiful and innocent, though it really depends on how you frame a sentence. A man can find a cute woman desirable. Sometimes he may say, “She is so cute”, by which he means ‘very desirable’. An about-town Telugu actor confesses, “When I call a girl ‘cute’, I mean she is good looking, but not hot and sexy. But sometimes calling a girl ‘cute’ is a safe bet for a guy if he is not sure of her response, rather than calling her ‘sexy’ outright.”
Ah, so that is where the confusion arises. Cute is wishy-washy and does not state the intentions clearly; it allows a man to shift gears midway if he senses trouble. On the other hand, hot and sexy is honest. And if a man tells a woman he finds her body and mind sexy, she is most likely to be his slave for life.
But the same, of course, works for a man too. It is being called ‘nice’ that men object to. Explains the Telugu star, “I wouldn’t want a girl to call me a nice man. I know women love bad guys. You see, if a girl calls me nice, she is ensuring I keep my distance – indirectly, she is telling me to be nice.” Interesting. If a girl feels trivialised by being called ‘cute’, a man actually feels de-sexed by being called ‘nice’.
The business hotshot is more realistic. “Being called ‘nice’ is not so bad really; it’s being called ‘sweet’ that rings the alarm bells. ‘Sweet’ is bad for both men as well as women, I guess,” he smiles. Agreed. Sweet is not even wishy-washy as ‘cute’ is; in fact ‘sweet’ is a definite rejection, almost an emasculation. However, coming back to ‘nice’, having been fed on clichés of how girls go for the bad boys, most men are not factoring changing times and trends. In fact, the verdict on ‘nice’ is slowly but surely changing. More and more women say they find nice men sexy and desirable and are increasingly wary of the bad guys. As Preeti tweets back in answer to my question, “I like nice guys. But they have to be intelligent too. Nice is always desirable, but desirable is not always nice.” As a new awareness of gender sensitivity arises, I wouldn’t be surprised if ‘nice’ is soon voted the new ‘sexy’. So, the next time a woman calls you ‘nice’, do not despair or write her off, guys. She does mean ‘desirable’.
Though the verdict on ‘cute’ isn’t quite ‘nice’ still.
Everyone has a Google account, and most of us tend to use it only for e-mails. A few others might probably be active on Google+ and YouTube... perhaps, even use the Google Drive service. But did you know that this single ID could be put to other amazing uses? Ashutosh Desai tells you about...
Turn Google Drive into your jukebox
Google Drive is a great cloud service to store all your documents, presentations and spreadsheets. But I bet you didn't know that you can also use it - in conjunction with a few third-party tools - to create your own virtual jukebox that lets you stream your songs to wherever you are as long as you have an internet connection.
For PCs...
To listen to the music you've uploaded to Drive, visit www.drivetunes.org (preferably using the Chrome browser) and sign in with your Google account.
Allow Drivetunes to access your Google Drive by clicking Accept. The website automatically detects and lists all MP3 and M4A files, letting you play your tunes from any web-enabled computer.
For Smartphones...
Turn Google Drive into your jukebox
Google Drive is a great cloud service to store all your documents, presentations and spreadsheets. But I bet you didn't know that you can also use it - in conjunction with a few third-party tools - to create your own virtual jukebox that lets you stream your songs to wherever you are as long as you have an internet connection.
For PCs...
To listen to the music you've uploaded to Drive, visit www.drivetunes.org (preferably using the Chrome browser) and sign in with your Google account.
Allow Drivetunes to access your Google Drive by clicking Accept. The website automatically detects and lists all MP3 and M4A files, letting you play your tunes from any web-enabled computer.
For Smartphones...
You can install apps like CloudBeats Lite or GDrive (for iOS) or CloudAround (for Android devices).
Make your own maps
So you've moved to a new home, or you're probably hosting your birthday party at this new pub. One of the problems you're faced with is giving detailed directions to get to the venue. Guess what? You can use Google Maps. The service lets you create custom maps, add waypoint symbols and colours; you can also annotate it with text; add snapshots for visual aids, and more...
Sign in to Google Maps, click My Places > Create Map.
Something called Maps Engine Lite will open in a new tab.
You can now use this interface to plot your route. There are four tools - to select items, add markers, draw lines, and add directions. The elements you add are represented as layers (just like in photo-editing software). This makes it easier to mask out certain annotations or routes. The map editor also includes a handy undo-redo option.
Once you are done, click the Share button to send it via e-mail, Google+, Facebook or Twitter.
Print from anywhere
The wonders of technology. Do you know you can now use the Chrome browser and your Google account to send a printout to your home printer from anywhere in the world?
To set up on your home computer...
First, make sure your printer is ON.
In the Chrome browser, click the menu button and select Settings.
Click the Show advanced settings... link.
Scroll down to the Google Cloud Print section and sign in to enable the service.
Select your printer in the list, click Add Printers, and you're ready to go.
To print from a remote computer...
Ensure that your printer and the PC that it is connected to are switched ON.
Sign in with your Google account in Chrome.
Click on the menu button, and select the Print... option.
In the Print panel that appears, under Destination, click on Change... to select your remote printer. Hit Print.
It should be noted that you can only print the contents of your browser window using this method. If you want to print a.doc file, for instance, you will need to open it in a cloud service like Google Drive.
Android and iOS apps like Google Print and PrintCentral Pro can also be used to send prints using Google's cloud print service.
Manage your phone contacts
Changing your smartphone can be a chore, especially when you have to copy all your contacts from one handset to the other. Hah! You wouldn't have to go through this pain; not if you had stored all your contacts on your Gmail account...
In your inbox, click the drop-down labelled Gmail (top-left corner under 'Google' ).
Select Contacts, and in a one-time effort, manually update phone numbers, e-mail IDs, et al - for all the people in your address book. Alternatively, if you have an existing backup in the CSV or vCard format, click on More > Import.
Now, whenever you switch handsets - whether Android, BlackBerry, iOS or Windows Phone - all you need to do is add this Google account and set it to sync Contacts.
Also, whenever you add a new number on your smartphone, make sure it is synced to this Google account.
Run your own show on YouTube
So you've always believed you have what it takes to be a video jockey or a TV show host. Sadly, you've never had the opportunity to show off your skills. Not true. With your Google account, a webcam, and a good microphone, you can start your own channel on YouTube. Who knows, you might just
How to check what's occupying your storage space on Google
Every Google user gets 15GB of storage space. This is shared between Gmail, Google+ and Google Drive. To find out how much is being consumed by each service...
Sign in to your Gmail account and in your inbox, scroll down to the last e-mail.
Below, on the left-hand side, you will see how much space is being used. For example, '5.79GB (38%) of 15GB used'. Click on the 'Manage' link under this line.
Google will display your usage in a pie chart with a break up of how much storage each of the three services are using. catch the eye of some big-time producer.
To create a video...
Log in to YouTube with your Google ID; click on your account name at the top right-hand corner, and click My Channels to create one.
Click the Upload button at the top of the page. Then, in the Privacy drop-down list, select Private (you can change this later from Video Manager).
Now click the Record button under Webcam capture to start rolling. Once done, stop the recording and click Play to preview.
Click Publish to finalise your recording or Start Over to do a retake.
Never run out of space for your photos and videos
Regardless of how much storage space we have at our disposal, the many photographs and videos we shoot tend to occupy huge chunks of memory on our devices. Well, did you know, you could use your Google+ account to back these up? Install the Google+ app for your Android or iOS smartphone.
After installation, in the app, click on the Settings icon and enable Auto Backup.
Make sure you set the auto-backup to initiate only over a Wi-Fi connection (using your mobile network will incur extra charges).
Additionally, to backup the pictures and videos on your PC, use the latest version of Picasa (v3.9).
Having all of your stuff backed up to your Google+ account means you can visit those memories any time you choose, even after you have deleted them from your phone or computer. And don't worry; all your stuff is marked private by default. You can, however, choose to share whatever you want with friends from within the app itself.
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